I’d love to work together

How can I help you?

My trustworthy coaching gives you tools to tackle daily challenges with grace and clear-headed action that will enhance mobility, reduce chronic stress, and grow true resilience so you can thrive.

Ready to focus on whole person wellness and empowered self care?

Health Coaching

Maybe you have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or are on your way. Perhaps you’re simply not feeling your best. Or, maybe you are an athlete dealing with aches, pains, and slow recovery. If so, I can help. When you work with me one on one, we evaluate the problem through a whole health lens looking at root causes, how to overcome challenges, and maximize performance.

Step 1 will be getting to know one another. I will ask you to share your personal health story. This will be important for me to understand your experiences, values, and beliefs so that we can create a personal wellness plan that works for you.

Next, we will explore elements of any health issues and identify factors like nutrition and lifestyle that can positively influence your health journey.

Lastly, all of the information we collect and explore will be applied as we create a clear action plan. This wholistic plan will include SMART goals incorporating the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine.

Book a consultation to see if these services are right for you!


21 days



Signature Programs

Our signature programs are perfect for you if you enjoy working alongside a group toward a collective goal. These 12-week programs are designed to center around a particular topic and work progressively toward habits that are known to positively influence health. Weekly touch points build camaraderie and beautifully designed workbooks and slide sets guide your journey all along the way. Signature programs include our “Gut Health Makeover” program and “The Vibrant Woman Project.” Book a consultation to see when doors open next so you can enroll in one of our signature programs!


90 days



Courses & Workshops

Check our schedule to see what we have coming up that’s available for you.

Join our “Be the Butterfly” group on Facebook for first hand information!





Ready to Get Started?

Work With Me

Schedule a discovery call to learn more about taking a transformative journey that will bring vitality, joy, and optimal well-being into your life.