Take Care, Be Strong

I am a devoted child of God, loving wife, and mother of two, with a deep passion for fostering human flourishing. As a precision medicine pharmacist, lifestyle medicine practitioner, and whole health coach, I advocate for human-centered public health policies that empower individuals to practice high-quality, self-directed healthcare at home. A creative thinker and outdoor enthusiast, I find joy in running, fitness, sourdough baking, and inspiring awe for the human body. My mission is to empower my community to embrace whole health intuitively and confidently finding awe for creation and the amazing human body. Guided by Jeremiah 29:11, my vision is a future free from chronic disease, where mobility, cellular health, and true resilience thrive.

Where you can find me!

I’m on a mission to empower my community with self care skills that enhance mobility, cellular health, and true resilience. Join me so you too can take care and be strong (Joshua 1:9)!

I invite you to cultivate a deepening of your faith as you focus on your health. Wellness doesn’t come from a product nor is it dependent on the system or an expert. Putting God first, you can create a lifestyle that supports your wellness and your family.

Dr. Jill Bates is a board-certified oncology pharmacist by training, with over 15 years of clinical experience, who specializes in precision medicine. She is a certified Personal Trainer, Whole Health Educator™, and board-certified Health and Wellness Coach. She is a Wellbeing Ambassador for the American Society of Health System Pharmacists. Dr. Bates is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) and certified by ACLM as a lifestyle medicine expert. Her coaching style is heavily influenced by the whole health philosophies of the National Institute of Whole Health and the 12-steps of Al-Anon. Other credentials include Tune Up Fitness Instructor, Holy Yoga Instructor and registered yoga teacher certified in mindful resilience, compassion fatigue, and yogalates. Jill lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children. In her spare time, she enjoys all things fitness, being outside in the sun, baking sourdough, fermentation, and reading.

  • Bachelor of Science – Eastern Illinois University
  • Master of Science – Northern Illinois University
  • Doctor of Pharmacy – University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Post Graduate Year 1 and 2 Residency with specialization in Oncology Pharmacy – Duke University Medical Center
  • Precision Medicine Graduate Certificate – University of Florida
  • Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner – American College of Lifestyle Medicine
  • Whole Health EducatorTM – National Institute of Whole Health
  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach – National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches
  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach – Health and Wellness Coaching Academy
  • Certified Personal Trainer – National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • Registered Yoga Teacher – Yoga Alliance, Holy Yoga

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